We at GAMM, have been producing components, pipes and assemblies for automotive, chilling, and air conditioning industries for over thirty years. Our production is highly specialized and it is based on your specifications and
On the basis of our field experience, we are not only a supplier that can just carry out your projects, but we are also a very reliable partner with excellent know-how. We can provide you with great support for the production of
ISO 9001 Quality
We achieved the UNI EN ISO 9001 2000 certification - later turned into UNI ENI ISO 9001 2008 - on the basis of our accurate and comprehensive quality control management system. Because of our organization, we can guarantee the

Experience. Quality. Reliability

G.A.M.M. S.r.l. founded 1982 e da allora si occupa prevalentemente della produzione e commercializzazione di componenti per l’industria del freddo e dell’automotive.Col passare degli anni GAMM si è creata una solida reputazione, divenendo leader nel proprio settore e incrementando costantemente gli investimenti per rispondere alle esigenze di un mercato in continua evoluzione. Il core business dell’azienda è imperniato sulla produzione secondo le specifiche del cliente di componenti in rame, alluminio e ferro piegati e sagomati su macchine CNC, saldo-brasati e collaudati a tenuta. L’elevato standard qualitativo dei prodotti, unito a una


For over thirty years, GAMM manufactures components, pipes and assembled units for industries that operate in the world of refrigeration, air conditioning and automotive. The highly specialized production is performed following the ndere the needs of an evolving market.

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